Sake is not something that is manufactured, but something induced by men, trusting in the power of nature.
Choices and Decisions
The technological evolution to efficiently produce delicious sake is a wonderful feat that our predecessors achieved over a long period of time. We, too, benefit from it in our sake production. However, we do not buy into the concept of creating a new variety of sake through dependence on technological innovations regarding brewing and yeast. The basic idea of Ubusuna sake brewing from the “land of origin” is simple: sake is not made by simply following the steps in processing, but rather sake is induced by humans trusting in the power of nature. That is brewing.
Science is an important part in the inducing of sake. By understanding the properties of rice, water, yeast, and microflora, and by selecting from a variety of possible elements, with the aid of appropriate technology, sake is induced to produce a rich flavor and character.
We are constantly faced with challenging decisions in our production of sake: soil selection, choice of native rice cultivars, the selection of natural farming methods, the choice to implement low rice policing, the selection of Kumamoto No. 9 sake yeast that made possible the first truly high-quality Ginjo sake, the choice to follow the traditional “Kimoto-zukuri” brewing techniques, the choice of adopting additive-free methods, and much more.
Naturally-derived ingredients and elements are combined only after thorough study and without being bound by preconceptions. Inefficiencies and failures are a natural and accepted part of the process. This is our ideal of sake brewing which we believe induces the more natural and distinctive flavor of Hananoka Sake Brewery. Learning and deepening of knowledge continue every day, not only from tradition and guided by such classic methods as “Kimoto-zukuri” and “Kidaru” used in olden times, but also through the challenges that we meet every day.


